DOGROY reviews launch of Cronin's new single Mad For You

DOGROY reviews only the finest things in life

From left: Michael Cronin (drums), Johnny Cronin (vocals & rhythm guitar), Fiachra Milner (bass & backing vocals) Brian Murphy (lead guitar)

Cronin's ‘Mad For You’ Single Launch

at The Stables, Mullingar, Westmeath

(This review had to be transcribed for DOGROY by his Mother because sadly he is deeply retarded all over his beautiful brain.)

Fuckin' class gig. I tried te remember it, te sing it back te me mother when I got home, but I couldn't do it as good as Cronin. It took six times longer than Cronin for me to do it, cause I had to do all the instruments and vocals and backin' vocals seperately.

They even let me on stage. I did a brilliant job at not knockin' over any instruments or injuring anyone too badly.

I liked the song about bein' mad. (Dogroy is wrongly referring to Mad For You, Cronin's new single.) And I was barking for the song about wanting to be a dog. (Dogroy means Cronin's version of I Wanna Be Your Dog.) When they played the song about bein' mad again, I came a big cum out over the top o' me trousers, down onto the floor of The Stables. The poor barman had an awful job tryin' te kill it with a blowtorch.

Before the cum died, it managed to crawl halfway up the barman's leg.

Top quality gig.

Five DOGROY Crosses out of five

Good job Dogroy can't read that sign