DOGROY interviews comedian Michael Sable, host of Crash & Burn and Icarus Comedy
Shplain who y'are.
I'm a simple yank, with a heart lusting for vengeance
Where'd ya come outta?
The swamp
What brings ya to these here parts?
I fell asleep on the wrong plane and got stuck here.
What's yer greatest crime?
Orchestrating a decade-long ponzi scheme
What's yer weapon of choice?
Russian troll farms
What's the most powerfulest thing ya've ever done?
Stole fire from Mount Olympus
What is your opinion on poo?
Not a fan
What's yer fayvorit bayst te ryde or get ryd by?
I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it
If ya were the High King o' the Land, what would ya be at?
Establish a trade route to the east
What's the most spine tingling thing ya've ever seen?
Dogroy's mother
Attack: 1
Defence: 1
Power: 1
Health: 1
Morality: 1
Net Worth: 1
What d'ya think o' me mother?
She's a fine woman so she is
Length of willy or husband's willy:
2 chocolate buttons long
Favourite shape (No 3D ones please):
Dogroy’s questions had to be transcribed for him by his mother because he is retarded.