DOGROY interviews comedian Nghia Mai, host of Crash & Burn and Comedians Without Borders

Nghia live at The Craic Den

Shplain who y'are.

Vietnamese comic stuck on an island and is trying get out

Where'd ya come outta?

Vietnam aka Sexy China

What brings ya to these here parts?

An education and white women

What's yer greatest crime?

Stealing hardworking Irish comics’ spots

What's yer weapon of choice?

My pointing finger

What's the most powerfulest thing ya've ever done?

Being an outstanding role model for kids and their mums

What is your opinion on poo?

Winnie was a good bear

What's yer fayvorit bayst te ryde or get ryd by?

The salt shaker

If ya were the High King o' the Land, what would ya be at?

The High Ground

What's the most spine tingling thing ya've ever seen?

My flatmate’s growing body

Attack: Well-crafted comedy material about casual racism and animal puns

Defence: Staircase wit

Power: Too much

Health: In stable condition

Morality: What’s that?

Net Worth: The respect of foes and hoes

What d'ya think o' me mother?

A testament to the human endeavours

Length of willy or husband's willy:

The size of the Mekong River

Favourite shape (No 3D ones please):

That song by Ed Sheeran

Dogroy’s questions had to be transcribed for him by his mother because he is retarded.