DOGROY reviews Scally and the Dirty Rats
“As mononoms we reside proudly alongside Pelé, GOD, and most pets.”
DOGROY reviews Scally and the Dirty Rats
(This review had to be transcribed for DOGROY by his Mother because he is too busy writing reviews to learn how to read or write.)
Much like me, Scally is a mononom (single-named person) so we are both discriminated by, and are going to extract revenge upon the duonoms (you).
As mononoms we reside proudly alongside Pelé, GOD, and most pets.
I like the wise old druid who owns Scally. (Dogroy means legendary Mullingar music manager Marty Mulligan).
I also got to meet Scally's porn director. (My retarded son means the top music video director Conor English.)
As I shook his hand I admired his firm wank grip.
Me mother said I'm not allowed watch his porn videos, but that it's very talented.
Note from Dogroy's Mother: One of the music videos has kising in it, which is too much for Dogroy to handle. The last time he saw a kiss, he went on a kissing rampage and kissed half the town.
It's very bad to be kissed by Dogroy because he eats poo. I personally know how bad his kisses taste.