DOGROY interviews comedian Conor McDermott

From left: Dogroy, Ross “Ignorant” Brunton, Eoin Fahey, Ben Hornibrook, Conor McDermott, Ian Burke

Shplain who y'are.

Who's askin?

What are ya at?

In life? Around 1/4

Where'd ya come outta?

My mother (well dad first)

What brings ya to these here parts?

Took a wrong turn buying heroin

Wha'd'ya make o' this fine place?


What's yer greatest crime?

Nice fuckin try!

What's yer weapon of choice?

I am a weapon, or a car

If ya were the High King o' the Land, what would ya be at?

I'm already the High king of Ireland! I'm stoned


Pew Pew (Poo Poo)


I’m guilty


Great show


I’m not insured right now


Is reality

Net Worth:

I’ve never bought myself a net. Tenner I think


friEND? Ben Honrinbrook

Full name, or stage name:

Michael Cyrus


A doctor if erect for more than 4 hours

Dogroy’s questions had to be transcribed for him by his mother because he is retarded.