DOGROY interviews comedian Kevin O'Donohoe

Shplain who y'are

I'm an accountant with a scalp like a snooker ball

What brings ya to these here parts?

The finest battered sausage in the Midlands

What's yer greatest crime?

Mooning a bin truck on Grafton St when I was 17

What's yer weapon of choice?

Toilet Plunger

What's the most powerfulest thing ya've ever done?

Used to work in the Mercantile lifting pissy bottle bins up four flights of stairs

What is your favourite poo?

Ones where you don't need to wipe

What's yer fayvorit bayst te ryde or get ryd by?

Mary Lou, Arlene Foster

If ya were the High King o' the Land, what would ya be at?

Ensure that people call me by my proper title

What's the most spine tingling thing ya've ever seen?

The Transporter 3

Attack: Being a know it all

Defence: Being a know it all

Power: Memorizing the e numbers on a the packaging of an assortment of processed food packaging

Fear: Waking up to Micheál Martin fucking me into bed

Smell: Elderflower and chip grease

Wealth: So wealthy that I own a petrol station in Bulgaria

What d'ya think o' me mother?

Not the finest, but good rough and tumble at the end of the day

Length of willy or husband's willy: 9 miles

How d'ya expect te die?

Fighting off a cat burglar

Favourite shape (No 3D ones please):

Leeds United crest

Dogroy’s questions had to be transcribed for him by his mother because he is retarded.