DOGROY interviews comedian Jack Rabbit Masterson

From left: Ross “Ignorant” Brunton, Jack Rabbit, Mama Duck, Alex George, Graham Morrissey

Shplain who y'are

I’m a comedian from a place without sun.

What brings ya to these here parts?

Gigging getting ready for the Galway Comedy Festival

What's yer greatest crime?

My greatest crime was sneaking a smoke into a Tyler The Creator concert

What's yer weapon of choice?

Bat for the cunts

What's the most powerfulest thing ya've ever done?

Sneak smoke into a Tyler The Creator concert

What is your favourite poo?

Love Island

What's yer fayvorit bayst te ryde or get ryd by?

A Kia Sportage

If ya were the High King o' the Land, what would ya be at?

The same as the current leaders. Absolute fuck all.

What's the most spine tingling thing ya've ever seen?

A camel pick up a man by his neck and throw him.

Attack: 100 (when startled)

Defence: 100 (when startled)

Power: More of a Tullamore Dew man.

Fear: All The Time

Smell: Deviated Septum can't really smell.

Wealth: Probably my favourite Fleetwood Mac song.

What d'ya think o' me mother?

She's a Mighty Woman

Length of willy or husband's willy:

Enough to get in but not enough for much else.

How d'ya expect te die?

At the hands of my many many enemies.

Favourite shape (No 3D ones please):


Dogroy’s questions had to be transcribed for him by his mother because he is retarded.